A few years back I was involved with Toc Alpha. Also known as T.A. That's an acronym for Taking On Concerns About Life People and Human Achievement. It was a great group. Unfortunatly due to lack of participation Concerns Canad was forced to close down the group.

Recently another alumni of T.A. started up a Yahoo e-mail list for all of us to get in touch with each other. Unfortunatly until recently there have only been about 4 or 5 of us signed up to the list. We're now trying to track down other members and get them to participate on this list... find old friends and revisit a time in all our lives.

I have many great photos from Christmas Confrences and hope to get some of the on line here in the near future, but that all depends on how much mundane life will let me get done. Hopefully this page will grow and be more than just a starting point for that e-mail list.

If you were involved with Toc Alpha, please sign up for the list. Find some old friends you've fallen out of touch with.

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