One of the things I discovered upon joining the SCA was the bardic arts. I loved to listed to the music, hear bards tell stories. Unfortuatnly for me, I didn't get personally involved in anything bardic until recently. I have writting only one song currently, but I love learning and singing the songs of others. It's not just the singing I enjoy, but watching the reaction on peoples faces. And this past weekend at EWP being asked how I knew all the songs and tunes. I was amazed as it's something that comes quite easily to me.
Mundanley since I was young I've done just about anything related to music I could. My aunt started teaching me piano when I was 7. When I was 12 another aunt taught me Clarinet, and the same year I learned Recorder at school. Two years later I taught myself how to play flute. Through highschool I learn to play piccolo and obeo. I learn a bit of Trumpet and saxaphone. And now through involvment in the SCA I'm learning to play the Bodhran.
I still play piano and flute, as I actually have access to them in my own home. And with work I hope to write more songs for the SCA.
Just recently I also purchased a hammered dulcimer. Now the challenge of learning to play. :)