A Day in The Counrty

Greenhithe held a small event at the same site as EWP this summer. This was a very relaxed event, with many activities for the kids to do. Some fighting for those fighters who showed up, all five of us. And lots of shade for those who just wanted to sit, relax, chat, and work on A&S projects.

Ivana Puppet Show Intro

Ivana Puppet Show Intro 2

Kids After Puppet Show

Serion & Ayla


Edward & Cecil

Edward & Cecil

Cynred, Drake, Dwynwen, Edward & Cecil

Cynred, Drake, Dwynwen, Edward & Cecil

Cynred & Dwynwen vs. Edward & Cecil

Cecil & Dwynwen

Dwynwen & Edward

Dwynwen & Edward 2

Cynred & Edward

Cynred & Edward 2

Cynred & Edward 3