The SCA, Fighting and Me, Page 14

January 5, 2003.

Well it's been 4 months of me trying to make it out to fight practices. I think I've managed 4 or 5, but it doesn't seem like that many. I am finding my stamina is alsmot back to where it was. However my armour now bites in lots of annoying places. The worst is on my right shoulder every time I throw a shot. (sigh). So it's time to make new armour. I've decided on is a cote of plates. Hopefully I'll have this finished faster than my husband made his. I'd like to have it done and be wearing it by spring so that I'll have it just the way I want it before any of the War Practices.

We finally found out where my helm is ringing. It's about 90% in the grill. We're going to work on fixing that. Thankfully Sir Edward is really nice about trying to not hit the grill in practice. So fixing the ringing is also on the list of things to fix. Next on the list will likely be legs and knees... ah, the never ending list of armour bits to repair, replace and fix.

So for now I look forward to getting new armour, and making it out to the next practice!

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