
This page started as a jumping point for me. A place to track how I was doing with heavy combat. And I do add to each page in the journal section... maybe not on a daily basis, but I do add to it.
One of the best things I've done is join the Iron Rose Mailing list. It's a e-mail list for Women fighters across the known world, and those who support them. It's run by our wonderful list mommy, Grainne Gelleo of Locksley. She also maintains the Iron Rose website. I'm a member of the Iron Rose Web Ring as well.
At Pennsic XXX I fought in the Iron Rose tourney. I lost both my bouts. But I had fun. Unfortunatly I didn't fight last year, but I'm definalty looking forward to this year. I believe Kaylah The Cheerful is running the tourney this year. (Pennsic XXXII).
If you have the time to read, I highly recomend the book Iron Rose, by Duchess Elina I believe. My book is still burried in a box somewhere from moving yet again, but dedinalty for the last time. I really need to get it out and re-read it. I've also got another local fighter who I think would benifit from reading it. The back of the book is set up like a flip book. Where you flip the pages and see how shots are thrown. It's great!
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