The SCA, Fighting and Me, Page 20

July 19 2003.

Well, this is the first chance I've gotten to post. I actually made it out to the local SCA fight practice on Thursday. Got into armour... and then it rain for a bit (maybe 2 minutes). So on goes the helmet, glove and grab my shield and sword. Got to warm up with Ed. Warm ups with him are great as he lets me set the pace, and works more at my level. (Some knights are great like that). After getting warmed up, and letting another new fighter borrow my gauntlet and shield to warm up. We found her another gauntlet and a round shield to borrow. (She later declared that she doesn't like rounds, and really wants her heater). Then the 6 of us who were there did some melee practice.

Have I ever mentioned that I love doing melee's! We did three on three, with two sword and board on each side, and one spear on each. Made for great fun. Tried a variety of different plans of attack. Learned some neat suff about "two on one". Got killed fast the first few times, and them memory started to work and I remembered all the melee's I'd done before the pregnancy. Managed to get a few good kills after that. What fun! Got quite the adrenalin rush. I was bouncing till almost 2am!

We took five, got some water and then those of us who still had some energy went back out to play some more. This time we did bear pit (until we ran out of light, due to practice being at a park). At this point there were only four of us. But hey, it was FUN! I got to fight Ed, and conrad lots. Never fought conrad before thursday. Fighting new people isn't as intimidating as it use to. Got only one bruise this time. Inside of my right thigh. Yep, odd spot, but I know exactly when where and how I got it... not to mention from whom.

Really looking forward to practice on Wednesday at my place..... Hopefully by then my new armor bits will be done and I'll only have my gambison to replace before Pennsic. :) This time if I can get into my fighting clothes before folks arrive and get out back as soon as I've got someone to watch the wee one, I should be able to participate in Arnora's class, or event get right to fighting.

Will let eveyone know how that goes. Practices here will be cancelled through pennsic, and resume after pennsic, and go until the weather no longer co-operates with us.

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