Pennsic War

Pennsic War is an annual gathering of the SCA. This is where the East Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom and each of their alies do battle. At the end of the 2 weeks the side with the most "war points" is declaired the victor for the year. (Braggin Rights)

This will be my 2nd Pennsic War. My first war to fight at. I'm really looking forward to it. As I write this, I'm 5 days away from leaving for Pennsic. It's about a 5 hour drive, especially with a preschooler in the car. This will also be my daughter's first pennsic.

Not only is there battles/fighting at Pennsic, but a lot of A&S classes. Last year I tried to make it to a few classes, but managed to miss all 3 or so I wanted to get to. Hopefully this year I'll make it to the 3 or so I want to get to. One on drop spindle, on on playing the bodhran, and one on fighting. There's also a lot of bardic stuff I'd like to get to as my daughter has really taken an interest in "mommy" singing song to her. Hopefully Pennsic will be rather inspiring and I'll write some new songs to put into my song book. Until then, I'll sing my one song, and songs of others.

Dwynwen's Pennsic XXIX Photo's
Lord Eirk has kindly hosted my Pennsic photos on his site, as I didn't have a spot to put them last year... However he's moved his web site and I've yet to update the url.

I have this years Pennsic XXX photos, and still have yet to put them on line. It's one of those projects that keeps getting shelved. Now I've got Pennsic XXXI photos too. Hopefully they'll both be on line before Pennsic XXXII!

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Page Last Updated: January 5, 2003.