Other than my comic book collection that is listed below in detail, I was involved with Toc Alpha. Another alumni has set up an e-mail list so all the old members can keep in touch. Check out the web page i've got set up and join the mailing list if you were a member.
First up is my comic's. Yes, I have one very small comic book collection.
Unfortunatly I don't have the complete set, and it's very hard to fill in the blanks as
they stoped printing this series many years ago. Which series is it you ask? Why it's
Amethyst, Princess of the Gem World. I have doubles
of some issues, and would be willing to trade issue for issue of something I don't have.
Here is a listing all all the issues I have. The number in brackes after the issue notes
if I have doubles of that issue and how many doubles I have. Ones with zero's after them
indicate that I am looking for that issue. If there is nothing listed I only have one copy
and I'm not willing to trade that one.
THE BEGINNING (the first appeance of Amethyst) April 1983
Legion of Super Heros vol 2#298: Dual in Dark Magic (0)
THE BIRTH OF A LEGEND (The First Miniseries) May 1983-April 1984
#1: The Birthright (1)
#2: Cat and Mouse (2)
#3: Tangled Web (2)
#4: Dark Journies (0)
#5: Battle Grounds
#6: Last Goodbye's (1)
#7: The Univited (1)
#8: First Lite
#9: Broken Homes
#10: And into the Arms of Death
#11: The Last Battle
#12: Darkness Falls
ANNUAL #1: 1984 Point of No Return (1)
EXPANDING HER HORIZONS (Amethyst's apperances elsewhere)
DC Comics Presents #63: November 1983: Worlds to Conquor (superman) (0)
Crisis on Infinite Earths #11: February 1986: After Shock (0)
History of the DC Universe#2: 1986: History of the DC (0)
THE BUILDING OF A DYNASTY (regular series) January 1985 -
August 1986
#1: The Long Way Home (1)
#2: Sleep Walkers (1)
#3: Rebellion (0)
#4: There and Back Again (0):Being Mailed to me
#5: The Boy Next Door (0):Being Mailed to me
#6: Secrets of the Sands (0):Being Mailed to me
#7: Shadows of the Past (0):Being Mailed to me
#8: Rebirth (0):Being Mailed to me
#9: (0):Being Mailed to me
#10: (0):Being Mailed to me
#11: (0):Being Mailed to me
#12: Once Upon a Time
#13: The Hand of Fate (Guest Star: Dr. Fate)
#14: Guess Who's Back
#15: Apocalypse (introducing the Flaw & The Child)(1)
#16: Little Girl Lost
END OF ACT ONE (End of Amy Winston) 1986
Amethyst Special #1: Kismet (0)
THE LEGEND REBORN (1987 miniseries) November 1987 - February 1988
#1: And Wait the Pointed Hour: The Legend Reborn
#2: Winter Kills: Mordru VS Amethyst
#3: Bloody Sun at Noon (0)
#4: After the Fall (0)
VISIONS OF THE FUTURE (Amethyst appearances in the
Legion of Super-Heros)
Legion os super Heros Vol.3 #63 (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #20: Venado (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #43 (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #44 (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #45 (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #46 (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #47 (0)
Legion of Super Heros vol.4 #48 (0)
THE CRACKED GEM (Amethyst as the Villian)
The Book of Fate #6: All That Glitters (0)
The Book of Fate #8: Better off Dead (0)
The Book of Fate #11 (0)
Challengers of the Unkown #6: Shattered (0)
Night Force #8 (0)
Scare Tactics #8 (0)
Amazing Heroes #20 (0)
Amethyst Promotional Poster (0)
Who's Who in the DC Universe #1 (0)
Who's Who in the DC Universe #6 (0)
Who's Who in the DC Universe #8 (0)
Who's Who in the DC Universe #9 (0)
Who's Who in the DC Universe Update 1987 #1 (0)
While surfin the net today I found some more info on other issues Amethyst may have
been in...
Issue#7: October 1985: Beyond the Silent Night, double sized shocker issue.
Superman & SuperGirl are on the cover. It listed Amethyst as being in the background on
the cover.
Green Arrow: Issue #527: Getting up. Listed as having an interior house ad for Amethyst.
Links to Other Amethyst Collector/Information Pages
Page Last Updated: September 20, 2001.