Well, we're into the fall season again. What some people
consider down time. A time to concentrate on A&S projects. Personally I think this is a
time when we should still be training, learning new things. Be they marshal activities or
arts and science projects.
For me this could be an interesting year. After talking with many other female
fighters, my husband and I have decided to work on baby #2. Wait, don't say oh no.
You can't fight anymore. I believe juse the opposite after talking with many other
female fighters. There's nothing saying I have to stop. I just have to be careful. So
I won't be able to do melee's... but there's nothing saying I can't do slow work with a
few other fighters that I'm comfortable working with, and who I know can control their
Excercise in just about any shape is good for expecting moms. I did folk dancing with
my last child until I was about 5 months pregnant. I only stoped then as it was the end
of our year. I only didn't go back the following year due to small minded church
So if you're wondering in the winter months why you don't see me fighting there might
be a good reason for it... or maybe I just wanted to attend that A&S class.