The SCA, Fighting and Me, Page 21

March 11, 2004

My appologies to all. I've been very lax at updating here. It's been hard to make it out to fight practices on a regular schedual as well. I hope that will change. With my husbands new schedual going into effect in 3 weeks I doubt it will change though.

It's been hard to keep motivated to keep fighting over the winter. Hopefully its just the winter blah's and now with spring here things will get easier. I've been contemplating learning a new weapon's form. Maybe polearm, spear, 2 stick? Not sure what, but I did pick up full gauntlets at Pennsic and I should really start using them.

In my last post I made a comment about finally getting to wear my cotehardi's again. Well I have been. I wore my ivory one at an event last weekend, only to discover I should have tried it on at home so I could have moved the buttons, taken it in about 2 inches so it would fit! (yes, take it in, this is a really really good thing). So now I plan to make a new one. I've got some pink/peach velvet upstairs just beggin to be used. Should be enough to make the girls dresses too. Then a new gambison. Material is already here. Just waiting to be cut. I just have to decide on how to make it.

It is now time to repack the armour bag for practice tonight.

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