The SCA, Fighting and Me, Page 15

April 27, 2005.

It's been almost 2 months since I fought. I finally did some fighting at an event though. March 5th (i think it was), I fought at Winter War. Had lots of fun until I started to have major armour blow outs. (sigh).

I did however get a new gambison made before the event. Double layer of pre quilted fabric. It's green, with white trim. I REALLY like it, however one of the armour issues at winter war, was that one of the sleeves came un attached. I'm going to work on lacing the sleeves on (which also makes it easier to wash).

The other thing slowing me down right now is a shoulder problem. We thought it was just tendonitis at first. The muscle that runs across the front of my rotator cuf is not properly in the grove that's in the bone, that it should be in. I'm currently in Physio two times a week to work on the problem. I'm still able to fight, but I tend to be more sore the next day. So I'm taking it easy till after Crown Tourney (not that I'm fighting)....

Don't know if we'll be at pennsic or not this summer.... working on a few armour upgrades just in case though.

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