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Yet another practice and only a few tender spots. After my warm up I went to work with Ed. I enjoy working with Ed. It seems every week I learn something new! After a bit of work, and to my supprise I wasn't getting tired nearly as fast as I did at the start, I wandered back up the hill for some water.

Ed suggested to everyone after that we do a bear pit or something. So that's what we did. While I never got to stay on the field long, I was having a lot of fun. There was 5 of us for the most part. And it kept thing mostly intersting.

I had fogotten my gorget at home, after a messy pack up after EWP and had to borrow one. I was rather lucky that Liam had an extra one. What a difference a better fitting piece of equipment can make! Needless to say when going to Ed's tonight to do some armour construction, I'll be making a new one and adding to my leg armour so I don't get any massive bruises anymore.

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