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This past weekend for me was EWP, (Ealdormere War Practice). Yet another chance to get some fighting in. Unfortunatly I didn't get to do as much as I would have liked. I did however get to see lots of friends.

I got there a little late and just managed to set up b/f the fighting started. I had my armour checked and got out into the pavillion to fight. I was picked for her Highness's team, and to my absolute delight I wasn't the last fighter picked!

This tourney/melee was interesting. The fighters were chosen from their large groups by their comander. The group sizes were different. I ended up in a two man team and got killed b/f I even threw a shot. But that was okay. There was more fighting to come. I watched the rest of this tourney, got some shade and water.

After that they were doing drill and such for War. I watche a good deal of them. With it being a very warm day, I didn't want to over do it. They started doing shield wall work and I figured I'd better get out there. The first bout I died defensivly and I'm very thankful for it. Sheilds are wonderful for dispursing the weight of another fighter when the step or fall on you. Unfortunatly for me and the other fighter, he triped over me, and we both eneded up sore. I've got some bruised ribs, and did almost no other fighting that weekend. I missed out on the newbi tourney the next day. But it's not the end of the world. I should be back at practice this week.

Upon later inspection, I discovered a small crack in my shiled. It only goes through the first layer of plywood so it's still safe to use. Lest it was only the shield that cracked and not my bones.

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