Wednesday, 11 July 2001
It has recently come to my attention that there are some non-fighters using these
entries to get a feel for fighting. So it is with them in mind that I write this entry.
Last nights fight practice had a good turn out. I think there were eleven of us at
one point. Though I don't think we were all out of the field at any one point. I set my
goal again for the night, or landing at least one good blow each time I fought with an
individual. Didn't matter if it was a leg, an arm or otherwise. One good blow. I'm
happy to say I did this a few times. Small attainable goals have been wonderful. I may
have to step this up to two good blows each time.
We did some melee work last night as well. Unfortunately during the melee's I took shot to my sword arm that has bruised today to be about two inches square. Sore as all heck, and tender to move my arm at all. At least I'm still able to get some sewing done. Back to the fighting… The melee work was interesting as we had some people out who I'd not worked with before. It was really interesting to see what strategies worked and which ones didn't. I was a little awed at one point at being the last person on my team left with two of the other team still standing. I learned a bit about working in small melee teams. And other than my arm getting bruised, I got a good work out, and had fun. Nothing of great note to mention, other than I need to do a bit of work on my new gorget. I bumped my chin on it a few times last night. Going to have to modify it sometime before Pennsic.