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Wednesday, 25 July 2001

I didn't fight last week, thus no entry for last week.

Last night was very hot and humid. Not at all good conditions for fighting. I started drinking lots of water very early in the morning to make sure I didn't get overheated or dehydrated at practice. There were only four of us in armour this week so we didn't do a lot of work. I spent all my time working with Ed again. Good prep for Pennsic. For warm up he used his buckler again so at least it was something I'm getting use to. He said my I've got a nice combo shot, but I need to use more other shots between throwing it… what can I say. It's a learning process.

After a bit of a rest we went back out for another round. With the heat and not fighting the previous week I was getting tired a lot faster than I had been. This time Ed went down with his kite shield. Unfortunately for me, I had to work more to get a good shot it. Kite shields cover more of your body. Though it did force me to step in more to try and throw wrap shots. And I actually managed to land one. Which felt great! It also kept me motivated to keep trying even when I wasn't having luck with them.

It would also seem that I'm ready to start working on thrusting. But I think I might wait for that until after Pennsic. Don't want to get confused and do something I'm not authorized in.
Hopefully I'll do ½ as well at Pennsic as I do at practice. No matter how well I do, I'm sure I'll be having fun!