The SCA, Fighting and Me, Page 17
April 26 2003.
Well, it seems like it takes me forever to update here. New body armour is almost complete. Looks pretty impressive too. I've been quite lucky to get all the help I do with making new armour. April 7th I should get the new shoulders done (i've got 2 on loan atm). The new legs are working out really well. I'll need to cover the plastic, but that's not a big deal.
I've been pleasently surprised at how much more movement I've got in the new armour. The weight of the new shoulders will take a bit to get use to. Heck I've even been complemented on how much more agressive I am when I fight now. Actually moving and 'attacking' the other combatant. Not to mention with the new armour it's no longer a hassel to get out and into armour. The old borrowed stuff was really hard to get into.
Right now I'm making a fight practice about every other week. I wish I were able to get out more often, but the only other practice I could make is about an hour drive away. If there were someone else in the car with me, it wouldn't be so bad. But I really don't like driving at night. Hopefully with nice weather here I can convice a few fighter to come and play in my big backyard so I can get some more practice :)