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It's been over a month since I last wrote anything so there's lots to tell. On the may 24 weekend at the event known as Ragnarok, I decided it was worth trying to authorize. I had been in armour and attending regular practices for less than a month, but I figured with some prompting from those I'd been working with to give it a try. I didn't have anything to lose, and if I didn't authorize, then at least I'd know what needed to be worked on for next time.

Well, I got out to the filed, got my armour on. Had it inspected by someone who'd only seen me in armour once. They found me a partner, and onto the field I went. Supprisingly I wasn't nervous. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I was fighting with just another fighter, and not the knight and squires I was use to working with. (Yes, at first fighting with anyone of rank made me a little nervous).

After much a bit of time, and a few bruises I authorized! And I've been at it since. That day I got to participate in the melee's that were going on. The vikings, norse and saxon, vs each other. Three way team melee. What fun. I loved it! And for once I wasn't getting exausted within a few minutes.

After this event I fought at Pikemans Pleaseure. An even hosted by Petra Thul. There was a grand melee warm up.... and what fun that was. At least 1/3 of the fighters on the field were women! We gathered together and fought as a until. What a supprise to the men. There was also unlimeted res for it, so we'd wait till there was at least 3 of us at the res point and go back in together.

The next highlight of the event was the two team melee with chance thrown in. For the first 15 minutes or so you could res no probs. The next bunch of time, if the die rolled a six you were dead. (This is how they threw chance into it). The side I was on was clearly winning. But I was having fun so that didn't really matter to me. Eventually the marshal's let everyone res and we did it again! There was definatly not a lack of fighting at this event.

Then there was the bridge battle. Needless to say I died at the end of spears many times.

After that it was back to fight practices. Learning more. I enjoy fight practices, even when I come home sore, and with bruises. Usually I've learned something. And the most recent thing I learned, or should I say started to learn, was rap shots. And while I'm not good at them, at least I've started to learn them.

To say the least I'm happy with where I'm at in the SCA now. Fight is what I want to be doing. Its one of the things I'm really enjoying.

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